Taking a Leap of Faith
Recently, someone in the literary world asked me, in an email, “Got any podcasts?”
Well, no, in fact I did not. If she’d asked, “Got milk?” or even, “Got blog?” I could have been all set. Taking the question as a kind of challenge, however, I set out to find one and then, a bit brazenly, to become a guest on that same podcast. Who did I think I was, anyway? Well, someone who has a book manuscript itching to get out there.
Honestly, I still don’t really know if one episode of a podcast and the entire series of that podcast are called the same thing. Maybe you don’t either. My younger son started listening to these and encouraging certain ones to me a while back. He’s always been rather advanced.
In any case, plunging into this new experience felt a little like this.
The person who launched this podcast — it’s called The Red Church Door — is Rev. Colin Chapman, and he’s a multi- talented guy besides being very kind.
If you dare, you might enjoy listening (maybe better on your phone when you find the podcast there) to a conversation about marriage during the pandemic as well as about the origin and the evolution of my particular unusual union with my husband. I hope you might be able to listen while you’re doing something else that needs doing: driving, cooking dinner, tidying up, planting seeds, picking up sticks. I just did that last activity, by the way, before Rob mowed for the first time. It’s very satisfying – brought me right back to my childhood, more precisely to my grandmother, who rarely made a request that could be refused.
Voila la link: https://redchurchdoor.org/episodes/2021/5/6/the-bishops-wife